La Mesa City Council

Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Meeting #:
City Council Chambers, 8130 Allison Avenue
La Mesa, California
  • Mayor Arapostathis
  • Vice Mayor Parent
  • Councilmember Dillard
  • Councilmember Lothian
  • Councilmember Shu
  • City Manager Humora
  • Assistant City Manager Lee
  • City Attorney Sabine
  • City Clerk Wiegelman



The City Council minutes are prepared and ordered to correspond to the City Council Agenda. Agenda Items can be taken out of order during the meeting.

The Agenda Items were considered in the order presented.

Mayor Arapostathis called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.







City Attorney Sabine announced there were no reportable actions.



There were no comments.



The Mayor, Council and staff made announcements and reported on various events taking place in the City. No action was taken.

There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.



Assemblymember Akilah Weber presented Mayor Arapostathis with a resolution in recognition of his retirement from La Mesa-Spring Valley School District.

Environmental Program Manager Ego provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Climate Action Plan ("CAP") progress, highlighting the Climate Emergency Resolution actions, emission reduction goals, reporting commitments, implementation timeline, greenhouse gas emissions inventory, 2022 CAP accomplishments in the areas of energy, transportation, solid waste, green infrastructure and water, and 2023 CAP priority projects.

Truth spoke regarding electrification, sustainability, and the 2023 CAP priority projects.

Following Council questions and comments, no action was taken.

Assistant to the City Manager Dedmon summarized the history of the Community Opinion Survey and introduced Dr. Timothy McLarney, President of True North Research, who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the purpose, methodology and results of the La Mesa Community Opinion Survey study. Dr. Timothy McLarney, President of True North Research, highlighted the findings related to the La Mesa Police Department, safety, traffic, customer service, and City communications.

Truth spoke regarding the results of the survey and the number of residents that participated.

Following Council questions and comments, no action was taken.

Chief Sweeney presented the crime statistics for the quarter ending June 30, 2023, explained the statistics in the various crime categories and highlighted recently solved cases. Chief Sweeney briefly discussed the Department’s proactive operations and strategic enforcement to help reduce crime and also reviewed various community outreach activities that took place. Chief Sweeney recognized recently retired La Mesa Police Officer Colin Atwood and provided an update on the Police Department's staffing vacancies.

Following Council questions and comments, no action was taken.

Truth spoke on modern Chinese and American relations.



There were no conflict of interest disclosures.



Mayor Arapostathis nominated the following individuals for appointment or reappointment to the various City Boards and Commissions:

Community Relations and Veterans Commission

Donald Long as the veteran population representative

Jeffrey Foertsch as the general population representative

Environmental Sustainability Commission

Mary Nooristani as the professional representative

Dasmine McFarlin as the youth representative

David Harris as the older adult representative

Historic Preservation Commission

Don Cary as the La Mesa Historical Society representative

Jan Wilcox as the general population representative

Lori Wilcox as the general population representative

La Mesa Community Parking Commission

Jonathan Baron as the CD/D Zone representative

Steve Kitchen as the general population representative 

Mobility Commission

David Nichols as the climate/environmental issues experience representative

Kara Koehrn as the vulnerable road user representative

Personnel Appeals Board

Peter Gregorovic

Tony Orlando

City Clerk Wiegelman explained the nomination process for the Community Services Commission and Planning Commission.

The Council began the open nomination process for one position on the Community Services Commission.

City Clerk Wiegelman announced the nominations as follows:

Round 1:

Mayor Arapostathis nominated Jana Schwartz

Vice Mayor Parent nominated Christopher Langdon

Councilmember Lothian nominated Andrew Reeves

Councilmember Shu nominated Christopher Langdon

Councilmember Dillard nominated Jana Schwartz

Round 2:

Mayor Arapostathis nominated Jana Schwartz

Vice Mayor Parent nominated Christopher Langdon

Councilmember Lothian nominated Christopher Langdon

Councilmember Shu nominated Christopher Langdon

Councilmember Dillard nominated Jana Schwartz

City Clerk Wiegelman announced that Christopher Langdon received a majority nomination.

The Council began the open nomination process for two positions on the Planning Commission.

City Clerk Wiegelman announced the nominations as follows:

Round 1:

Mayor Arapostathis nominated Kathleen Brand and Jonathan Frankel

Vice Mayor Parent nominated David Harris and Jonathan Frankel

Councilmember Lothian nominated Jeffrey Foertsch and Steve Kitchen

Councilmember Shu nominated David Harris and Jonathan Frankel

Councilmember Dillard nominated Danielle Bautista and Jonathan Frankel

Round 2:

Mayor Arapostathis nominated Kathleen Brand 

Vice Mayor Parent nominated David Harris

Councilmember Lothian nominated Jeffrey Foertsch

Councilmember Shu nominated David Harris

Councilmember Dillard nominated Joshua Helland

Round 3:

Mayor Arapostathis nominated Kathleen Brand 

Vice Mayor Parent nominated David Harris

Councilmember Lothian nominated Jeffrey Foertsch

Councilmember Shu nominated David Harris

Councilmember Dillard nominated David Harris

City Clerk Wiegelman announced that Jonathan Frankel and David Harris received a majority nomination.

  • Resolution No. 2023-090
    Moved ByMayor Arapostathis
    Seconded ByVice Mayor Parent

    (1) Approve the reappointment of Donald Long as the veteran representative and appointment of Jeffrey Foertsch as the general population representative on the Community Relations and Veterans Commission; (2) approve the reappointments of Mary Nooristani as the professional representative and David Harris as the older adult population representative and the appointment of Dasmine McFarlin as the youth population representative on the Environmental Sustainability Commission; (3) approve the reappointments of Don Cary as the La Mesa Historical Society representative and Jan Wilcox and Lori Wilcox as the general population representatives on the Historic Preservation Commission; (4) approve the reappointment of Jonathan Baron as the CD/D Downtown Commercial Zone representative and appointment of Steve Kitchen as the general population representative on the La Mesa Community Parking Commission; (5) approve the reappointment of David Nichols as the climate/environmental issues experience representative and appointment of Kara Koehrn as the vulnerable road user representative on the Mobility Commission; (6) approve the reappointments of Peter Gregorovic and Tony Orlando on the Personnel Appeals Board; and (7) adopt the Resolution confirming the reappointments and appointments. 

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)
  • Resolution No. 2023-090
    Moved ByMayor Arapostathis
    Seconded ByVice Mayor Parent

    Approve the appointment of Christopher Langdon to the Community Services Commission and adopt the Resolution confirming the appointment.

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)
  • Resolution No. 2023-090
    Moved ByMayor Arapostathis
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Dillard

    Approve the reappointment of Jonathan Frankel and appointment of David Harris to the Planning Commission and adopt the Resolution confirming the appointment.

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)



Truth spoke on Items 11.1 and 11.5.

Dr. Lynne spoke in opposition to the proposed parole office at 8374-8376 Hercules Street.

Bonnie Baranoff submitted a comment on Item 11.4.



(Items 11.1 through 11.6)

  • Moved ByVice Mayor Parent
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Shu

    Approve Consent Calendar Items 11.1 through 11.6.

    For (4)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, and Councilmember Dillard
    Against (1)Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (4 to 1)



Assistant to the City Manager Dedmon provided opening comments and introduced Raul Diaz, Principal and Architect at RNT Architects, who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Library Expansion Feasibility Study, highlighting the existing condition of the site and building, the survey summary and findings, the schematic plans and cost estimate of the three options that were studied: (1) vertical expansion, (2) United States Post Office expansion, and (3) new building, and the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

The following members of the public spoke on the Item:

Bob Duggan on behalf of John Schmitz 

Bob Duggan

Joe Glidden

Council questions and comments ensued.

  • Moved ByMayor Arapostathis
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Dillard

    Receive the Library Expansion Feasibility Study and direct staff to move forward with Option 2 - United States Postal Service (USPS) Office Expansion (Horizontal Expansion), with one year to negotiate with USPS to expand the library into the existing and adjacent USPS office.

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)



City Treasurer Strabone explained the purpose for requesting that Vice Mayor Parent and Councilmember Dillard place on the agenda the consideration of an exchange of public art with the City of Bar, Montenegro.

Council questions and comments ensued.

  • Moved ByVice Mayor Parent
    Seconded ByMayor Arapostathis

    Direct staff to determine what sort of exchange would be appropriate, and coordinate with the City of Bar, Montenegro to bring the exchange to fruition.

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)

The Mayor and Council reported on various outside boards, commissions and committee meetings they attended. No action was taken.

Mayor Arapostathis announced that he and Councilmember Shu would switch positions on the San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG") Board of Directors and the Harry Griffen Regional Park Joint Powers Agreement Governing Board ("Harry Griffen Park JPA"). Councilmember Shu would be the primary representative and Mayor Arapostathis the first alternate on SANDAG Board of Directors, and Mayor Arapostathis would be the primary representative and Councilmember Shu the alternate representative on the Harry Griffen Park JPA.

City Council Salary Review Ad-hoc Subcommittee: Councilmember Dillard and Councilmember Shu

Councilmember Shu provided a report on the proposed process for determining a salary adjustment for the City Council and Mayor.

Council questions and comments ensued.

Truth spoke on the use of public funds and the process for adjusting the salary of the Council and Mayor.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Shu
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Dillard

    Direct the City Manager to create and select a five-member community panel (to be known as the Council Salary Adjustment Panel) to evaluate the current City Council salary as compared to other City Councils in the region, and bring back a recommendation within 90 days as to whether the City Council should adjust its salary (including the Mayor) and if so, identify an appropriate methodology and amount.

    For (5)Mayor Arapostathis, Councilmember Shu, Vice Mayor Parent, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Approved (5 to 0)

Digital Billboard Negotiating Ad-hoc Subcommittee: Councilmember Dillard and Councilmember Shu

Councilmember Dillard provided a report on the progress of the digital billboard program and reviewed the next steps.

Councilmember Shu and Councilmember Dillard explained why they no longer supported the Digital Billboard Negotiating Ad-hoc Subcommittee's recommendation to direct staff to develop and circulate, within 30 days, a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the placement and installation of digital billboards in the City, to include: (1) a statement of facts identifying the process to authorize digital billboards; and (2) a listing of questions and concerns (for response) raised by the Digital Billboard Negotiating Ad-hoc Subcommittee.

Council questions and comments ensued.

The following members of the public spoke in opposition to the installation of digital billboards:

Donald Wood


Kristine Alessio

Council questions and comments continued.

  • Moved ByVice Mayor Parent
    Seconded ByMayor Arapostathis

    Direct staff to develop and circulate, within 30 days, a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the placement and installation of digital billboards in the City, to include: (1) a statement of facts identifying the process to authorize digital billboards; and (2) a listing of questions and concerns (for response) raised by the Digital Billboard Negotiating Ad-hoc Subcommittee.

    For (2)Mayor Arapostathis, and Vice Mayor Parent
    Against (3)Councilmember Shu, Councilmember Dillard, and Councilmember Lothian
    Failed (2 to 3)



There were no reports.



City Attorney Sabine provided an overview of the recent advice the Fair Political Practices Commission issued regarding Senate Bill 1439 (Levine Act Bill).



Mayor Arapostathis adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m. 

No Item Selected