LA MESA PLANNING COMMISSIONAGENDAA Regular MeetingMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Location:City Council Chambers, 8130 Allison AvenueLa Mesa, CaliforniaCommissioners:Chair Jerry JonesVice Chair Jonathan FrankelCommissioner Lauren CooperCommissioner David HarrisCommissioner Andrew TorpeyThe public may view the meeting in-person or live using the following remote options: Teleconference Meeting Webinar Telephone (Audio only) (669) 900-6833 or (253) 215-8782 Webinar ID: 848 8182 4076 Copy and paste the webinar link into your internet browser if the webinar link does not work directly from the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS In-Person comments during the meeting: Join us for the Commission meeting at the time and location specified on this agenda to make your comments. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. How to submit eComments: eComments are available once an agenda is published. Locate the meeting in "upcoming meetings" and click the comment bubble icon. Click on the item you wish to comment on. eComments can be submitted when the agenda is published and until 24 hours prior to the meeting. eComments are limited to 3700 characters (approximately 500 words). eComments may be viewed by the Commission and members of the public following the close of the eComment submission period (24 hours prior to the meeting). Email your comment to [email protected] if you have difficulty submitting an eComment. eComments will not be read aloud as a regular meeting item; however any member of the Commission or member of the public may do so during their respective comment time. PLEASE NOTE: Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes per item. The timer begins when the participant begins speaking. Time cannot by combined or yielded to another speaker. Citizens who wish to make an audio/visual presentation pertaining to an item on the agenda, or during Public Comments, should contact the Community Development Department at 619.667.1176, no later than 12:00 p.m., the business day prior to the meeting day. Advance notification will ensure compatibility with City equipment and allow Commission meeting presentations to progress smoothly and in a consistent and equitable manner. Please note that all presentations/digital materials are considered part of the maximum time limit provided to speakers. Agenda reports for items on this agenda are available for public review at the Community Development Department, 8130 Allison Avenue, during normal business hours. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Community Development Department, 8130 Allison Avenue, during normal business hours. ACCESSIBILITY: The City of La Mesa encourages the participation of disabled individuals in the services, activities and programs provided by the City. Individuals with disabilities, who require reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the Commission meetings, should contact the Administrative Services Department 48 hours prior to the meeting at 619.667.1175, fax 619.667.1163, or [email protected]. Hearing assisted devices are available for the hearing impaired. A City staff member is available to provide these devices upon entry to City Council meetings, commission meetings or public hearings held in the City Council Chambers. A photo i.d. or signature will be required to secure a device for the meeting.1.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: 1.1PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comments: 1.2INVOCATION Public Comments: 1.3ROLL CALL Public Comments: 2.ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Public Comments: 3.PUBLIC COMMENT - (TOTAL TIME - 15 MINUTES) Public Comments: Note: In accordance with state law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for discussion; however, the Commission will not be able to take any action at this meeting. If appropriate, the item will be referred to staff or placed on a future agenda.4.CONFLICT DISCLOSURES Public Comments: 5.CONSENT CALENDAR Public Comments: The Consent Calendar includes items considered to be routine. Unless discussion is requested by members of the Commission or audience, all Consent Calendar items may be approved by one motion.5.1APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 5, 2025 Attachments | Public Comments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - PC_Feb05_2025 - English.pdf6.STAFF REPORTS Public Comments: 7.PROCEDURAL RULES FOR CONDUCT OF HEARINGS Public Comments: 8.HEARINGS Public Comments: 8.1PROJECT 2024-1915 (ESCOBEDO) Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-1915 (8020 Eastridge Dr) Special Permit.pdf2.Attachment A - Draft Resolution .pdf3.Attachment B - Project Plans.pdf4.Attachment C - Photographs.pdfChristinei VanekThe fence installed is beautiful and complements both of the homes' architectural styles. We understand the taller structure as the one property is a single story and the next is a double story. We approve this project!A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A FENCE TO EXCEED THE 4 FOOT MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT THAT IS ALLOWED WITHIN A FRONT YARD SETBACK BY 3 FEET 8 INCHES AND TO EXCEED THE 6 FOOT MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF A FRONT SETBACK BY 1 FOOT 8 INCHES (FOR A TOTAL MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT OF 7 FEET 8 INCHES), AT 8020 EASTRIDGE DRIVE, APN 475-554-09-00 IN THE SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (R1S) ZONE Recommended Motion:Adopt a resolution (Attachment A) approving the special permit subject to conditions of approval.8.2PROJECT 2024-2235; CUP 17-95 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (5- YEAR EXTENSION) Attachments | Public Comments1.7935 El Cajon Blvd Conditional Use Permit CUP 17-95 (Extension) Project 2024-2235.pdf2.Attachment 1 CUP 17-95 5 Year Extension Reso.pdf3.Attachment 2 pc-2019-03 CUP 17-95 .pdfTHE APPLICANT, THE LISCUM TRUST, REQUESTS FOR A 5-YEAR EXTENSION OF AN EXISTING CUP FOR AN ADULT USE CANNABIS RETAIL USE LOCATED AT 7935 EL CAJON BOULEVARD IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL-DESIGN-MIXED USE OVERLAY ZONE.Recommended Motion: Adopt the Resolution, approving Project 2024-2235, extension of an existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP 17-95); subject to conditions of approval (Attachment 1). 8.3PROJECT 2023-2859 (GATESIDE) Attachments | Public Comments1.PC 2023-2859 (Gateside).pdf2.Attachment A. Special Permit Resolution.pdf3.Attachment B. Plan Set.pdf4.Attachment C. Site Photos.pdfCONSIDERATION BY THE CITY OF LA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION OF PROJECT NO. 2023-2859 (GATESIDE) – A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A SIX-FOOT-HIGH RETAINING WALL WITH CUT THAT EXCEEDS SIX FEET WITHIN THE SIDE YARD SETBACK ON A VACANT LOT LOCATED ON GATESIDE ROAD (499-030-49-00) IN THE R1S (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) ZONE.Recommended Motion: Adopt a resolution approving the Special Permit, subject to the conditions of approval (Attachment 1). 9.STAFF AND COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Comments: 10.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments.1.7935 El Cajon Blvd Conditional Use Permit CUP 17-95 (Extension) Project 2024-2235.pdf2.Attachment 1 CUP 17-95 5 Year Extension Reso.pdf3.Attachment 2 pc-2019-03 CUP 17-95 .pdf1.2024-1915 (8020 Eastridge Dr) Special Permit.pdf2.Attachment A - Draft Resolution .pdf3.Attachment B - Project Plans.pdf4.Attachment C - Photographs.pdf1.PC 2023-2859 (Gateside).pdf2.Attachment A. Special Permit Resolution.pdf3.Attachment B. Plan Set.pdf4.Attachment C. Site Photos.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - PC_Feb05_2025 - English.pdfThis item has no public commentChristinei VanekThe fence installed is beautiful and complements both of the homes' architectural styles. We understand the taller structure as the one property is a single story and the next is a double story. We approve this project!