LA MESA CITY COUNCILAGENDAA Regular MeetingMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 6:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Location:City Council Chambers, 8130 Allison AvenueLa Mesa, CaliforniaElected Officials:Mayor Mark ArapostathisVice Mayor Jack ShuCouncilmember Bill BaberCouncilmember Laura LothianCouncilmember Colin ParentCity Treasurer Eldon VogtStaff:City Manager Greg HumoraCity Attorney Glenn SabineCity Clerk Megan WiegelmanIn-Person/Virtual Hybrid City Council Meeting Pursuant to AB 361 (Government Code Section 54953(e)(1)-(2)) The City Council meeting may be viewed in-person or live on Cox Cable Channel 24 (within La Mesa City limits), AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 (in the San Diego Region), the City’s website (, Facebook Live ( or using the following Zoom Webinar options: The public may view the meeting live using the following remote options: Teleconference Meeting Webinar Telephone (Audio only) (669) 900-6833 or (253) 215-8782 Webinar ID: 844 7265 0722 Copy and paste the webinar link into your internet browser if the webinar link does not work directly from the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS In-Person comments during the meeting: Join us for the City Council meeting at the time and location specified on this agenda to make your comments. , please complete a “Request to Speak” card and submit it to the Council Hostess. When the Mayor calls your name, step to the podium and state your name for the record. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. Zoom Audio Comments: To provide oral public comments during the meeting, join the Zoom meeting by computer, mobile phone, or dial in number. On Zoom video conference by computer or mobile phone, use the “Raise Hand” feature. This will notify the moderator that you wish to speak during a specific item on the agenda or during non-agenda Public Comment. Members of the public will not be shown on video but will be able to speak when called upon. If joining the meeting using the Zoom dial-in number, you may raise your hand by pressing *9. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. No further comments will be entertained after the Mayor closes public comment. How to submit eComments: eComments are available once an agenda is published. Locate the meeting in "upcoming meetings" and click the comment bubble icon. Click on the item you wish to comment on. eComments can be submitted when the agenda is published and until 24 hours prior to the meeting. eComments are limited to 500 words. eComments may be viewed by the City Council and members of the public following the close of the eComment submission period (24 hours prior to the meeting). Email your comment to [email protected] if you have difficulty submitting an eComment. eComments will not be read aloud as a regular meeting item; however any member of the Council or member of the public may do so during their respective comment time. Citizens who wish to make an audio/visual presentation pertaining to an item on the agenda, or during Public Comments, should contact the City Clerk’s office at 619.667.1120, no later than 5:00 p.m., the Thursday prior to the meeting day. Advance notification will ensure compatibility with City equipment and allow Council meeting presentations to progress smoothly and in a consistent and equitable manner. Please note that all presentations/digital materials are considered part of the maximum time limit provided to speakers. Agenda reports for items on this agenda are available for public review at the City Clerk's Office, 8130 Allison Avenue, during normal business hours. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office, 8130 Allison Avenue, during normal business hours. ACCESSIBILITY: The City of La Mesa encourages the participation of disabled individuals in the services, activities and programs provided by the City. Individuals with disabilities, who require reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the City Council meetings, should contact the City’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator, Rida Freeman, Director of Administrative Services, 48 hours prior to the meeting at 619.667.1175, fax 619.667.1163, or [email protected]. Hearing assisted devices are available for the hearing impaired. A City staff member is available to provide these devices upon entry to City Council meetings, commission meetings or public hearings held in the City Council Chambers. A photo i.d. or signature will be required to secure a device for the meeting.1.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: 1.1INVOCATION - COUNCILMEMBER PARENT Public Comments: 1.2PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comments: 2.REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION Public Comments: 3.CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Public Comments: 4.COMMUNITY BULLETIN REPORTS Public Comments: 5.PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: 5.1PRESENTATION OF THE SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL AWARDS - MAYOR ARAPOSTATHIS Public Comments: 5.2BUDGET MONITORING REPORT Attachments | Public Comments1.2021-2022 Q3 Budget Monitoring Report.pdf5.3POLICE CHIEF'S QUARTERLY OPERATIONS REPORT Attachments | Public Comments1.2022 Police Quarterly Operations Report(1).pdf2.2022 1st Quarter Operations Report(1).pdf6.ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Public Comments: 7.PUBLIC COMMENTS – (TOTAL TIME – 15 MINUTES) Public Comments: NOTE: In accordance with state law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for comment; however, the City Council will not be able to discuss or take any action on the item at this meeting. If appropriate, the item will be referred to Staff or placed on a future agenda.8.CONFLICT DISCLOSURES Public Comments: 9.CONSENT CALENDAR Public Comments: (Items 9.1 through 9.8) The Consent Calendar includes items considered to be routine. Unless discussion is requested by members of the Council or audience, all Consent Calendar items may be approved by one motion.Recommended Motion:Approve Consent Calendar Items 9.1 through OF MOTION TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE TEXT OF ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS AT THIS MEETING Public Comments: Recommended Motion:Approve.9.2APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETINGS HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 12 AND APRIL 26, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council Special Meeting_Apr12_2022.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council Special Meeting (Closed Session)_Apr26_2022.pdfRecommended Motion:Approve.9.3APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 12, APRIL 26, AND MAY 10, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_Apr12_2022.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_Apr26_2022.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_May10_2022.pdfRecommended Motion:Approve.9.4RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54953, AS AMENDED BY ASSEMBLY BILL 361, AND RE-AUTHORIZING THE CONTINUED USE OF VIRTUAL AND/OR HYBRID MEETINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODIES BEGINNING JUNE 1, 2022 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Continuation of Hybrid Meetings_May 2022.pdf2.AB361 Resolution_May.pdfStaff Reference: Ms. WiegelmanRecommended Motion:Adopt Resolution.9.5RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH MANAGEMENT PARTNERS FOR PERMIT PROCESS IMPROVEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $57,600 Attachments | Public Comments1.Award of Contract to Management Partners.pdf2.Attachment A - Resolution_Permit Process Review.pdf3.Attachment B_Agreement_Permitting Process Consultant Services_Management Partners.pdfStaff Reference: Mr. TomainoRecommended Motion:Adopt Resolution.9.6ACCEPTANCE OF THE SINGLE AUDIT OF FEDERALLY ASSISTED GRANT PROGRAMS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2021 Attachments | Public Comments1.Single Audit on Federal Awards(1).pdf2.Single Audit on Federal Awards Report(1).pdfStaff Reference: Ms. RoyalesRecommended Motion:Approve.9.7CLIMATE ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2 CONSULTING SERVICES AWARD AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Attachments | Public Comments1.Resolution Awarding the Climate Action Plan Amendment No. 2 to the Energy Policy Initiatives Center.pdf2.Attachment A - Resolution.pdf3.Attachment B - EPIC Professional Services Agreement.pdf4.Fiscal_RFP 22-13.pdfWendy MihalicHonorable Mayor and Council Members I am a long time La Mesa resident who participated with other San Diego350 volunteers in the development of our city’s first Climate Action Plan. Five years ago, the La Mesa CAP received high marks: it was legally binding and included significant GHG emission targets, the largest of which was clean energy. Scroll forward 5 years and we find ourselves falling short. According to the County’s analysis of regional CAPS (conducted by EPIC), “Current CAP commitments are insufficient to reach decarbonization goals… Even if the most aggressive CAP measures are applied to all jurisdictions in the region, regardless of whether they have a CAP in place, significant emissions would remain (approximately 7 MMT CO2e in 2035), mostly from natural gas combustion and on-road transportation)." The County report also emphasized that “Opportunities exist for more jurisdictions to adopt and strengthen existing CAP measures.” So let’s go for the stretch goal! The La Mesa Cap Amendment 2.0 must be ambitious enough to meet the scope and scale of the climate crisis: 1. Commit to Zero Carbon by 2035 – focus on the drivers: natural gas and transportation; 2. Provide adequate funding and implementation for CAP actions; 3. Electrify Everything, including new and existing buildings; 4. Build Affordable, all electric, homes near transit; 5. Apply an equity lens to all CAP actions. Finally, we should have robust stakeholder outreach to ensure all La Mesans have a voice and an understanding of how the CAP will improve their lives. This CAP Amendment is an opportunity to better meet today’s biggest challenge and I urge this Council to support bold action. Thank you RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AWARD AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT IN SUBSTANTIAL FORM AS PRESENTED, SUBJECT TO THE FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 22-13 FOR CLIMATE ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2 CONSULTING SERVICES TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO ENERGY POLICY INITIATIVES CENTER FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $100,000 Staff Reference: Mr. ThroneRecommended Motion:Adopt Resolution.9.8RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION OF GENERAL FUND RESERVES AND ACCEPTING BID NO. 22-16 , HIGHWOOD PARK COURT RESURFACING PROJECT AND AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO FORDYCE CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $179,140 Attachments | Public Comments1.HIGHWOOD PARK BID 22-16 AWARD revision.pdf2.Attachment A - Reso Bid 22-16 Bid Award.pdf3.Fiscal_Highwood Park.pdfStaff Reference: Mr. ThroneRecommended Motion:Adopt Resolution.10.HEARING Public Comments: 10.1CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE TRANSNET REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2027 Attachments | Public Comments1.PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION FOR TRANSNET LOCAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2027 .pdf2.RTIP Resolution FY2023 to 2027.pdf3.Attachment B_FY23 RTIP Worksheet_La Mesa.pdf4.Attachment C_TransNet LSI Programming.pdfStaff Reference: Mr. ThroneRecommended Motion:Adopt Resolution adopting the TransNet Local Street Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2023 through 2027.11.HEARING/ORDINANCE: FIRST READING Public Comments: 11.1CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA MESA AMENDING SECTION 17.12 OF THE LA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADJUST THE SCHEDULE OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2025 Attachments | Public Comments1.ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADJUST SEWER SERVICE RATES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2025.pdf2.Ordinance FY23 to FY25 Sewer Fees.pdf3.Prop 218 Protests_Redacted.pdfStaff reference: Mr. ThroneRecommended Motion:Approve the proposed sewer rate increase of 3.4 percent in Fiscal Year 2023, 3.5 percent in Fiscal Year 2024, and 4.9 percent in Fiscal Year 2025 and approve the introduction and first reading of the Ordinance.12.COUNCIL INITIATED Public Comments: 12.1CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT STOP AAPI HATE'S NO PLACE FOR HATE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE Attachments | Public Comments1.CI.Shu.Colin.AAPI Memo.pdf2.AAPI Resolution.pdf RESOLUTION URGING THE CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR TO SUPPORT STOP AAPI HATE'S NO PLACE FOR HATE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE TO ADDRESS STREET HARASSMENT FROM A PUBLIC HEALTH AND CIVIL RIGHTS FRAMEWORK, INCLUDING CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2549, INTRODUCED BY ASSEMBLY MEMBERS MIA BONTA, AL MURATSUCHI, AND AKILAH WEBER TO PREVENT STREET HARASSMENT, AND ITS CORRESPONDING BUDGET REQUEST; CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE BILL NO. 1161, INTRODUCED BY SENATOR DAVE MIN TO PREVENT STREET HARASSMENT ON PUBLIC TRANSIT, AND ITS CORRESPONDING BUDGET REQUEST; AND CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 2448, INTRODUCED BY ASSEMBLY MEMBER PHIL TING TO PREVENT HARASSMENT IN PRIVATE BUSINESSES - VICE MAYOR SHU AND COUNCILMEMBER PARENT13.COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (3 MINUTE LIMIT) Public Comments: 14.AB 1234 REPORTS (GC 53232.3 (d)) Public Comments: 15.CITY ATTORNEY REMARKS Public Comments: 16.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.Continuation of Hybrid Meetings_May 2022.pdf2.AB361 Resolution_May.pdf1.Resolution Awarding the Climate Action Plan Amendment No. 2 to the Energy Policy Initiatives Center.pdf2.Attachment A - Resolution.pdf3.Attachment B - EPIC Professional Services Agreement.pdf4.Fiscal_RFP 22-13.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_Apr12_2022.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_Apr26_2022.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - CCM_May10_2022.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council Special Meeting_Apr12_2022.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council Special Meeting (Closed Session)_Apr26_2022.pdf1.HIGHWOOD PARK BID 22-16 AWARD revision.pdf2.Attachment A - Reso Bid 22-16 Bid Award.pdf3.Fiscal_Highwood Park.pdf1.2022 Police Quarterly Operations Report(1).pdf2.2022 1st Quarter Operations Report(1).pdf1.PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION FOR TRANSNET LOCAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2027 .pdf2.RTIP Resolution FY2023 to 2027.pdf3.Attachment B_FY23 RTIP Worksheet_La Mesa.pdf4.Attachment C_TransNet LSI Programming.pdf1.Award of Contract to Management Partners.pdf2.Attachment A - Resolution_Permit Process Review.pdf3.Attachment B_Agreement_Permitting Process Consultant Services_Management Partners.pdf1.Single Audit on Federal Awards(1).pdf2.Single Audit on Federal Awards Report(1).pdf1.ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADJUST SEWER SERVICE RATES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 THROUGH 2025.pdf2.Ordinance FY23 to FY25 Sewer Fees.pdf3.Prop 218 Protests_Redacted.pdf1.CI.Shu.Colin.AAPI Memo.pdf2.AAPI Resolution.pdf1.2021-2022 Q3 Budget Monitoring Report.pdfThis item has no public commentWendy MihalicHonorable Mayor and Council Members I am a long time La Mesa resident who participated with other San Diego350 volunteers in the development of our city’s first Climate Action Plan. Five years ago, the La Mesa CAP received high marks: it was legally binding and included significant GHG emission targets, the largest of which was clean energy. Scroll forward 5 years and we find ourselves falling short. According to the County’s analysis of regional CAPS (conducted by EPIC), “Current CAP commitments are insufficient to reach decarbonization goals… Even if the most aggressive CAP measures are applied to all jurisdictions in the region, regardless of whether they have a CAP in place, significant emissions would remain (approximately 7 MMT CO2e in 2035), mostly from natural gas combustion and on-road transportation)." The County report also emphasized that “Opportunities exist for more jurisdictions to adopt and strengthen existing CAP measures.” So let’s go for the stretch goal! The La Mesa Cap Amendment 2.0 must be ambitious enough to meet the scope and scale of the climate crisis: 1. Commit to Zero Carbon by 2035 – focus on the drivers: natural gas and transportation; 2. Provide adequate funding and implementation for CAP actions; 3. Electrify Everything, including new and existing buildings; 4. Build Affordable, all electric, homes near transit; 5. Apply an equity lens to all CAP actions. Finally, we should have robust stakeholder outreach to ensure all La Mesans have a voice and an understanding of how the CAP will improve their lives. This CAP Amendment is an opportunity to better meet today’s biggest challenge and I urge this Council to support bold action. Thank you