Chief Sweeney introduced Kristen MacLeod, Community Engagement Manager, Flock Safety, who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Flock Safety automated license plate readers (Flock cameras), highlighting the mission and purpose of Flock Safety, how the Flock cameras operate, eliminate crime, and provide transparency and insight, how privacy would be protected, California cities that utilize Flock cameras, and Flock camera success stories.
Chief Sweeney explained how the Flock cameras would be utilized in the City of La Mesa and the number of cameras that would be installed throughout the City.
Council questions and comments ensued.
The following members of the public spoke in opposition to the purchase and installation of Flock cameras:
John Enright
Michael Brando
Mary Davis expressed concerns with the installation of Flock cameras and recommended certain policies and procedures be adopted before moving forward with the purchase and installation of Flock cameras.
Council questions and comments continued.