La Mesa Community Police Oversight Board

Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Meeting #:
La Mesa Police Department Community Room, 8085 University Avenue
La Mesa, California
  • Chair Leroy Johnson
  • Vice Chair Janet Castanos
  • Board Member Lauren Cazares
  • Board Member John Fonseca
  • Board Member Aaron Landau
  • Board Member Jeffrey Scott McIllwain
  • Board Member Susan Wayne
  • Board Member Christian DeMent
  • Board Member Caitlin Tiffany
  • Assistant City Manager Amanda Lee
  • Chief Ray Sweeney
  • Assistant to the City Manager Dedmon
  • General Counsel Caroline Chiappetti
  • Independent Police Auditor ("IPA") Rick Rasmussen
  • Deputy City Clerk Stacy Ready



Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.



Chair Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.

Gene Carpenter commented on Chief Sweeney's presentation of the Challenge Coin for Compassion Award to Melinda Sheriff and the application submission process for the CPOB Board.



There were no conflict of interest disclosures.


  • Moved byBoard Member Fonseca
    Seconded byBoard Member Cazares

    Approve minutes.

    Yes (7)Vice Chair Castanos, Chair Johnson, Board Member Cazares, Board Member Fonseca, Board Member Wayne, Board Member Landau, and Board Member McIllwain
    Absent (2)Board Member Tiffany, and Board Member DeMent
    Motion Approved (7 to 0)



Chief Sweeney provided an update on the staffing, recruitments, and vacant positions in the La Mesa Police Department ("LMPD"). He recognized National Police Officers Memorial Day in honor of the fallen officers who have fallen in the line of duty.

Chief Sweeney commented on April and May community events and activities. 

Following Board questions and comments, no action was taken.



IPA Rasmussen gave an update on the quarterly report and shared he submitted Case Nos. 23-14 and 23-15 for staff review. Due to an officer involved shooting, Case No. 23-08 was pending.

Following Board questions and comments, no action was taken.

Chief Sweeney introduced Citygate Associates Gary Elliott, John Carli, Thomas Woodward, and Ralph Brown. The Citygate team provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Comprehensive Staffing and Resource Analysis Study for LMPD, and shared their recommendations for patrol and traffic unit services, investigations, records and communications, and services training and administration with the CPOB Board.

Following Board questions and comments, no action was taken.



There were no committee reports.

Chair Johnson announced the cancellation of the June 19, 2024 CPOB meeting due to the Juneteenth National Independence Holiday.  He commented on the 3rd Annual La Mesa Juneteenth and Friends Celebration event on Sunday, June 16, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Board Member Cazares invited Board Members to the Career and Life Goals event hosted by Mayor Arapostathis and Councilmember Dillard on Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.



Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. 

No Item Selected