La Mesa Environmental Sustainability Commission

Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Meeting #:
City Manager's Conference Room, 8130 Allison Avenue
La Mesa, California
  • Chair Richard Williams
  • Vice Chair Mary Nooristani
  • Commissioner Stephen Grooms
  • Commissioner Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret
  • Commissioner Dasmine McFarlin
  • Commissioner Barbara Shustek
  • Commissioner Michael Bourton
  • Commissioner Joe Britton
  • Commissioner Brianna Coston
  • Commissioner Barbara Dagman
  • Commissioner Joe Garuba
  • Commissioner Jen Lebron
  • Commissioner Christina Potter
  • Commissioner Fabian Rodriguez
  • Environmental Program Manager Hilary Ego
  • Environmental Analyst Serena Lee



Chair Ricky Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 





Carly Cubberley, Engineering Project Manager at City of La Mesa, and Phil Kern, Principal Civil Engineer at STC Traffic, presented the La Mesa Bike and Sidewalk Connections Project.  The Project is focused on the completion of gaps in the bike and pedestrian circulation networks along collector/arterial streets and other routes within the City of La Mesa in support of Climate Action Plan objects, community health, and active transportation goals. They are currently in the Planning phase and requests feedback from the Environmental Sustainability Commission.

The project conducted community engagement to receive feedback on the projects. West Group projects include La Mesa rail trail and multi-use path, Palm Avenue bike lanes, Pasadena Avenue/Collier/Mariposa Path, Gateside Road bike lanes and sidewalk. East Group projects include Lemon Avenue sidewalks and bike lanes, Jackson Drive bike lanes and sidewalks, La Mesa Boulevard bike lanes, and Garfield Street sidewalks.  

Ricky Williams stated that he is thankful for the designs and asked what the next step and request is.  Carly responded that the planning designs and community feedback will be presented to Council and next they would apply for grant funding for construction. 

Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret, Ricky Williams, and Mary Nooristani stated they like the project, but would like to see more options for parking spaces to be removed.  

Ricky Williams created a motion to support all La Mesa Bike and Sidewalk Connections projects and alternatives, and to prioritize support for alternatives that provide safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.  

  • Moved byChair Williams
    Seconded byVice Chair Nooristani

    Recommended Motion: To vote to support all La Mesa Bike and Sidewalk Connections projects and alternatives, and to prioritize support for alternatives that provide safety for bicyclists and pedestrians

    Motion Approved

NOTE: In accordance with state law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for comment; however, the Environmental Sustainability Commission will not be able to discuss or take any action on the item at this meeting. If appropriate, the item will be referred to Staff or placed on a future agenda.

Public Comment from Wendy Mihalic: The City of Chula Vista is updating their Climate Action Plan and is working with staff for community feedback with the help of San Diego 350, which has 60 partner organizations and it would be wise to ask for their assistance.  It would be great for La Mesa to create a summary document that includes the CAP summary, measures, and resources.  





Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret stated that agenda item 6.3 should be changed from : "...building electrification is drafted in the new Green Building Code cycle" to "...building electrification is encouraged in the new Green Building Code cycle."

  • Moved byCommissioner Grooms
    Seconded byCommissioner McFarlin

    Recommended Motion: To vote on approving the minutes from the April 15, 2024 Regular Meeting with an edit to agenda item 6.3

    Motion Approved

Climate Action Plan Update and Equity Ad Hoc Subcommittee expires in May 2024

Hilary Ego stated that the ad hoc subcommittee was unable to meet, however emails were exchanged requesting feedback to the draft co-benefits that will be shared in this meeting.  Hilary shared the draft co-benefits that include six main co-benefits of air quality, public health and safety, jobs and economy, resiliency, livability, and reduce cost of living. Each of the co-benefits include a definition and a list of actual co-benefits, for example for public health and safety an actual co-benefit would be: reduced chronic & acute respiratory diseases due to improved air quality. Hilary requested feedback from the Commissioners.

Brianna Coston stated to ensure the phrases are worded in simpler, more common, and palatable terms.  

Dasmine McFarlin stated that it would be important to state upfront how these co-benefits support Climate Action Plan measures to avoid confusion.

Ricky Williams stated that some Climate Action Plans rank co-benefits to help prioritize implementation activities and that perhaps this is something the City can look into in the future.  

Mary Nooristani, Dasmine McFarlin, and Barbara Shustek stated they are interested in extending the subcommittee for two months to develop a narrative to connect the co-benefits to the Climate Action Plan measures and research ranking co-benefits.

  • Moved byChair Williams
    Seconded byCommissioner Lonjaret

    Recommended Motion: To extend the Climate Action Plan Update and Equity Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Environmental Sustainability Commission with Commissioners Shustek, Nooristani, and McFarlin for two months and expire in July 2024 with the purpose of developing a narrative to connect co-benefits with the CAP Update and research co-benefit ranking

    Motion Approved

Building Emissions Reduction Ad Hoc Subcommittee expires in May 2024

Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret stated that the ad hoc subcommittee met and that because high energy efficiency was being encouraged in the California Green Building Code update, that it would be best to move forward with supporting education and outreach efforts.

Public Comment from Wendy Mihalic: City of Encinitas is about to pass a reach code that makes building electricity so efficient that gas can't compete and that she understands the timing and it's too late for La Mesa.  

Public Comment from Mairs Ryan: It has been determined it is too late for La Mesa, but encourage to proceed cautiously and with curiosity.  The State draft isn't the first draft that the code isn't guaranteed and would like to know about what the draft states, is if there is going to be a tiered system.

Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret and Ricky Williams stated that it would be good to understand the draft California Green Building Code and how it will impact La Mesa.

Hilary Ego stated that the ad hoc subcommittee can review the draft California Green Building Code and reach out to the Statewide Energy Reach Codes Program team to meet with the ad hoc subcommittee.

Jean-Guillaume Lonjaret stated he is interested in extending the subcommittee two months to do this work.

  • Moved byCommissioner Grooms
    Seconded byChair Williams

    Recommended Motion: To extend the Building Emissions Reduction for New Construction Ad Hoc Subcommittee for two months set to expire in July 2024 comprised of Commissioners Lonjaret and Bourton with the purpose of reviewing the recommendations in the draft California Green Building Code Update

    Motion Approved

Building Emissions Reduction for Existing Building Stock Ad Hoc Subcommittee expires June 2024

Hilary Ego stated that the ad hoc subcommittee met and discussed existing education and outreach programs, including San Diego Community Power's Home Electrification Marketplace. 

Public Comment from Wendy Mihalic: Share resources from the Building Electrification Coalition with the Environmental Sustainability Commission that includes online tools and resources.  Invited the subcommittee on a field trip to her home to see an electric home.  

Briana Coston stated it would be good to provide resources to the seniors at the Adult Enrichment Center.

Landscape Equipment Conversion Ad Hoc Subcommittee expires July 2024

Hilary Ego stated the ad hoc subcommittee met to discuss City actions and updates to programs at the State level and that there is more research for this ad hoc subcommittee to conduct to provide guidance on purchasing future electric landscape equipment.  

Ricky Williams stated that this is a standing item for anyone interested in new ad hoc subcommittees.  No new ad hoc subcommittees were created.

Hilary Ego stated that the CivicSpark Fellows will be finishing their service year at the end of June and will present to the Commission at the next meeting and also that they have been leading the draft 2023 Climate Action Plan Annual Report and that will be presented next month as well.

Serena Lee stated updates to the success of recent City events including Earth Day, FixIt Clinics, Litter Free La Mesa Community Cleanup, City Cycling, HHW, and shared upcoming City events including tabling at the Farmers Market on May 31 and the Paper Shredding, Mulch Giveaway, E-Waste Collection, and Goodwill donations event on June 1.

Ricky Williams stated that it is budget season for local jurisdictions and is interesting to see the budget that is added and/or removed for Climate Action planning and implementation activities.



Chair Ricky Williams adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM. 

No Item Selected