La Mesa Mobility Commission

Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Meeting #:
City Council Chambers, 8130 Allison Avenue
La Mesa, California
  • Chair Mike Calandra
  • Commissioner Dinah Justice
  • Vice Chair Ed Krulikowski
  • Commissioner Alex Mueller
  • Commissioner David Nichols
  • Director of Public Works Michael Throne
  • Assistant Director of Public Works Jose Ornelas
  • Engineering Project Manager Michael Kinnard
  • Administrative Coordinator Noemi Becerra
  • Administrative Office Assistant Vivian Macias



Chair Calandra called the meeting to order at 8:59 a.m. 



Commissioner Mueller



Commissioner Mueller




Presented by Michael Kinnard, Engineering Project Manager.

Michael Kinnard, provided a detailed presentation on Assembly Bill 413 - Educational Brief.

Significant feedback, comments and questions ensued from the Commission.

NOTE: In accordance with state law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for comment; however, the Mobility Commission will not be able to discuss or take any action on the item at this meeting. If appropriate, the item will be referred to Staff or placed on a future agenda.







Recommended Motion: Approve

Vice Chair Krulikowski moved to approve the December 4, 2024 minutes. 

  • Moved byVice Chair Krulikowski
    Seconded byCommissioner Mueller
    Yes (4)Chair Calandra, Commissioner Justice, Vice Chair Krulikowski, and Commissioner Mueller
    Absent (1)Commissioner Nichols
    Motion Approved (4 to 0)

Commissioner Krulikowski announced his attendance to the monthly Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) meeting and the topics discussed:

  • AB 413 Implementation
  • Traffic engineering class for public officials

Michael Kinnard shared the following items with the Commission:

  • CALTRANS Design Team will be presenting next month on the SR 94/125 widening project, phase 1.
  • Discussion on implementation of a few more 'ADVANCED WALKS' citywide.
  • First Class 4 Bike Facility in La Mesa being finalized on Murray Dr. 
  • City of El Cajon will be presenting on their new roundabout on El Cajon Boulevard & S. Johnson Ave.
  • Wood Street ballots were sent out to the surrounding neighborhood regarding a restrictive left turn onto Lemon Ave. 
  • CIP nominations coming up, information is forthcoming, please be prepared to discuss at the March meeting.



Announced by: Michael Kinnard, Engineering Project Manager.

Michael Kinnard refreshed the Commission about the City Manager Department initiated program to make better use of parking spaces. Hoping to schedule a presentation in the future.




The next regularly scheduled meeting is on March 5, 2025.

The Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Commissioner Nichols. 

Chair Calandra adjourned the meeting at 9:24 a.m.